
Knitted Loom flower without knitting needles and hook!


Dear needlewomen, I bring to your attention an acquaintance with a simple knitted flower that even a child will master, without knitting skills.

A couple of years ago I was presented with a device that I appreciated only a week ago! And me, who is completely unaware of sewing techniques, this process was very carried away!
The device is a round base on a round platform with round recesses for pegs. Pegs are inserted according to the proposed option - 4 options for circles and one square. Can be combined as desired. I make a loop and place it on one of the pegs and pull it to the opposite peg. I circle him and pull him to the opposite, and so on in a circle. A diagram is attached and it is also drawn on a round plastic base. Next is the next round- Movement from big to small. We fix the middle with threads in tone, stitching the stitches in a circle. I adorn the center with rhinestones and buttons. One of these flowers "grew up" on a daughter's panama))))))
All success!


Watch the video: LOOM KNITTING FLOWERS Round Loom . Strickring. Tejer a Telar. Tricotin. نول (September 2024).