
How to make an original from an ordinary umbrella: 13 ideas with instructions


Drawings, inscriptions, applications and even rhinestones - you can make a simple umbrella more interesting in different ways.

1. Umbrella with multi-colored rhinestones

Transparent rhinestones can be left colorless or painted from a spray can, and then glued to the entire surface of the umbrella or 3-4 of its sector.

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Decorate an umbrella with your own hands

2. "Fruit" umbrellas

Watermelon, lemon, kiwi, orange - choose a fruit depending on the color of your umbrella. Decoration technology is similar in all cases. We need acrylic paints for fabric, masking tape and a brush. First we designate future strips with tape, then paint them, wait for the paint to dry, remove the tape and add details.

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5 ways to decorate rubber boots

3. "Space" umbrella

Opening such an umbrella, you will find yourself under the starry sky at any time of the day! You will need acrylic paints for the fabric (white, blue, red, yellow), a sponge and a thin brush, a narrow masking tape and a container for mixing paints. Protect the umbrella spokes with tape first. Then mix the colors and paint the umbrella from the inside with a sponge, improvising with color spots. When the paint dries, add white dots to the brush. Do not forget to remove the tape.

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4.Polka Dot Umbrella

Another idea for decorating the inside of an umbrella:

5. Umbrella in colorful peas

And at this umbrella multi-colored peas are not inside, but outside. To make them, you need paints of different colors and a round sponge.

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6. Transparent umbrellas with a pattern

Transparent umbrellas with drawings look a little different than umbrellas made of ordinary fabric. Circles or another pattern can be made a permanent marker of one or more colors.

Photo: avanti24. pl

7. Umbrella with a gold border

The border can be cut out of a self-adhesive film and glued to the lower edges of the umbrella sectors. Please note: areas with knitting needles remain free.


8. Umbrella with golden circles

You can also cut out circles or other figures from the film and decorate them with an umbrella. This method is best suited for transparent vinyl umbrellas - this material has good adhesion to the film due to its smooth surface.


9. Umbrella with the inscription

Another option is to put on the umbrella not a drawing, but an inscription. If the umbrella is transparent, it will be easier to work: print out the inscription you like, stick adhesive tape on the inside of the umbrella. Using the printout as a template, paint the letters on the outside with a paint brush.


10. A transparent umbrella with clouds

Clouds can be drawn on a transparent umbrella or use purchased stickers.


11. Umbrella Umbrella

An unusual bright option: a translucent ombre umbrella. To transform a transparent umbrella, you will need paint in spray cans, soil in the spray can and narrow masking tape.First, opening the umbrella, cover the entire surface with soil. After waiting until it dries, glue the strips of adhesive tape so as to create a pattern. Then with cans of different colors we create the ombre effect. It remains to remove the tape when the paint dries.

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12. Classic: stripes

Also, using adhesive tape and white paint, you can decorate a simple black umbrella with a classic striped pattern.


13. Umbrella in the style of Pollock

The idea is in the style of the work of abstract artist Jackson Pollock, who added expression to his canvases, spraying paint on the canvas. To make splashes, dip brushes with hard bristles with colorful paint and act as bristles as a catapult. Caution: the surrounding surfaces and clothing can also fall under fire, it is better to protect them!

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