
How to make letters from fabric with your own hands: master classes + video


Different ways to sew letters with your own hands, plus an understandable and detailed video with a master class in volume letters.

Fabric letters can be a fun part for a baby, a good present for a baby, or a pillow toy for an older child. If you do not make large volume letters, but flat and smaller ones, you can use them to learn the alphabet and add syllables and words. We have put together workshops on various letters made of fabric. It is more difficult to make volume letters from fabric with your own hands than flat ones: for a general understanding of the process, see a master class with a photo, and in more detail, with important nuances and subtleties, everything is described in the video.

How to sew comfort yourself

1. How to make flat letters of fabric with your own hands

This is one of the easiest ways to make letters from fabric.

You will need:

- paper, pencil, breadboard knife or scissors for templates;

- patches of different fabrics for the front of the letters (take a fabric that does not crumble);

- fabric for the back of the letters;

- sheet thin synthetic winterizer;

- disappearing marker for tissue;

- tailor pins;

- zigzag scissors;

- small scissors with sharp ends;

- sewing machine and thread.

Step 1

Draw letter patterns on paper and cut out.

Step 2

Cut the shreds for the outer sides of the letters into squares so that the squares are several centimeters larger than the letter patterns. On the same squares, cut the fabric for the back of the letters and a synthetic winterizer: for each letter, you need a square of colored fabric for the outside, a square of fabric for the back, 2 squares of synthetic winterizer. On the squares for the outside from the face, translate the outlines of the letters with a vanishing marker.

For each letter, add: a square of fabric for the back side with the wrong side up, 2 squares from synthetic winterizer, a square with the letter translated face up. Chip all layers with pins.

Step 3

Lay the line along the lines drawn. Cut the edges with scissors zigzag, as shown in the photo. Cut openings in letters with small sharp-pointed scissors.

Photo and source:

DIY felt toys: 6 ideas with master classes

2. Volume letters made of fabric without side walls: a master class

This method is a bit more complicated than the first. The letters do not have side walls, but still they turn out to be quite voluminous.

You will need:

- paper, pencil (or printer), scissors for templates;

- fabric for letters (for the front and back sides);

- pencil, marker or crayon for fabric;

- tailor's scissors;

- holofiber;

- adhesive pad;

- needle for hand sewing;

- sewing machine and thread;

- iron and ironing board.

Step 1

Determine the size of letters you need. In this example, the letters were printed on sheets A3 and A4 to find the right size. Draw or print the patterns of the letters you want on paper and cut.

Step 2

For each letter, cut out 3 of the same square / rectangle in size: 1 from fabric for the front side, 1 from fabric for the back side, 1 from the gasket. The size of the parts should be such as to fit letters + allowances (1.5 cm on each side).

Glue the gasket from the inside to the fabric parts for the front side. Then fold the parts in the sequence shown in the diagram above and pin them.

Step 3

On the gasket side, translate the outlines of the letters to the chipped parts. Please note: symmetric letters (for example, O, H, T) are usually translated, and asymmetric letters (E, P, Y and so on) in mirror image.

Add 1.5 cm allowances on all sides, including for internal holes. If necessary, rearrange the pins so that they fasten the letters inside, and cut out the letters.

Step 4

For letters without holes: Route a line around the entire perimeter of the letter, leaving a hole for turning out.

For letters with holes: do not sew up the holes, line along the outer lines of the letters, do not leave holes for turning out.

Turn out the letters.

For letters with holes: turning the allowances inward, manually sew in 2/3 holes with a hidden seam, as shown in the diagram. They can also be sewn on the machine.

Step 5

Fill the letters with holofiber quite tightly. Sew the remaining holes manually with a blind stitch. Done!

Photo and source:

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3. How to sew volume letters with fabric side walls: master class + video

To make letters with your own hands in this way, you have to work hard, but the result is excellent: the letters come out voluminous and even. This master class with a photo is sketchy, for understanding the general principle. See the video below for details and details.

You will need:

- paper, pencil, ruler, scissors for templates;

- 2 types of fabric: for the end and side parts of letters;

- tailor's scissors;

- tailor pins;

- holofiber;

- sewing machine and thread.

Step 1

Draw letter patterns on paper and cut out.

Step 2

For each letter, translate the template on the fabric for the end parts twice: in direct and mirror reflection. Add 1.5 cm allowances and cut out the details. From the fabric for the sides, cut out long strips - if necessary, sew several strips into one.

Step 3

Now you need to connect one of the end parts to the side strips. It is better to first chop the parts with pins, cutting corners where necessary, and then grind (for more details on this stage, see the video below).

Step 4

Then, according to the same principle, we grind the second end part. For details on how to make a section around the inner hole of the letters, see the video below.

The area at the junction of the two ends of the side strip remains unclosed. We turn the letter through this section, tightly fill it with holofiber and sew the section manually with a blind seam.

Another way to perform this step is not to stitch the side strip inside the letter hole to the second end part, but sew it manually after the letter is turned out and stuffed:


Photo and source:

More details in the video:
