
Children's menu - sweet surprises


These festive treats addressed personally to each little guest will make an indelible impression.

Cupcakes "Christmas trees"
460 kcal, cooking time 180 min
Ingredients: ● 2 eggs; ● 120 g of granulated sugar; ● 100 g of dark chocolate; ● 160 g of flour; ● ½ bag of baking powder; ● 400 g butter; ● 450 g of condensed milk; ● zest of ½ lemon; ● food coloring green; ● 150 g candied fruit; ● jewelry, corn "stars".

1. Beat eggs with sugar, combine with melted chocolate and flour mixed with baking powder. Arrange in tins, bake for 25 minutes at 180 ° C.
2. For cream, whisk the butter with condensed milk. Stir in dye and zest.
3. Take a little crumb from the center of each cake. Put candied fruit and a little cream in the recess. Break the crumb and stick into the cream. Put in the cold for 30 minutes.
4. Using a pastry syringe, make “twigs” from the cream, fixing them on slices stuck in cupcakes. Decorate the resulting "Christmas tree". Put in the cold for 1 hour.
Tip: the cream of butter and condensed milk will turn out smooth and will not delaminate if, when mixed, both products are at the same temperature - room temperature.
Mini cakes "Lapland"
420 kcal, cooking time 120 min
Ingredients: ● 800 g sour cream; ● 500 g of granulated sugar, a whisper of salt; ● a pinch of soda; ● 250-300 g of flour; ● 3 table.tablespoons of cocoa powder; ● dragees in red glaze; ● 100 g of dark chocolate; ● 50 g of white chocolate.
1. From 200 g of sour cream, 150 g of sugar, salt, soda and flour, knead the dough. Separate and combine half with cocoa. Roll out a portion of the light dough, cut the circles and bake for 3 minutes at 190 ° C. Bake 4 cakes from the remaining light and dark dough.
2. Whip the remaining sour cream with sugar. Coat the cakes and leave overnight. In the morning, cut the cake in portions, put round crusts on each. Garnish dragees and chocolate so that you get deer faces.
Tip: so that the cakes are well saturated, leave them overnight in the room. In the morning, put in the refrigerator for 1 hour: then the cake can be cut into neat slices.

The article was published on the basis of the magazine "Good advice" 12/2013
Photo: Konstantin Vinogradov
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
