
How to store wool dresses


The purchase of a new woolen warm dress can give you a lot of positive emotions, provided that you take into account the requirements of modern fashion and choose a model with a perfect fit.

A new outfit will delight you for a long time only if it is properly stored and competent periodically care. Otherwise, the thing will quickly lose its shape and initial attractiveness. It will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, to restore her pristine beauty to her. So, so that your woolen dresses survive the summer without any problems and save you from the need to rush for a new purchase urgently, with the onset of the first cold weather, pay attention to the recommendations of specialists.

Why can woolen dresses lose their shape and appeal?

A common problem for woolen knitted dresses is the loss of their original shape when the product is pulled out and becomes unusable. Eliminate this situation will allow accurate hand washing and drying when unfolded on a towel until the product completely dries. It is best to store woolen dresses when folded or on hangers for knitwear in special covers. Do not forget to sometimes take out and ventilate a thing to exclude the consequences of possible negative effects on it. Also notorious moth can ruin woolen long dresses.Effectively deal with it allow modern household cleaning products sold in any hardware store. And be sure to pay attention to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the thing. If the product cannot be washed, contact the dry cleaning service, whose specialists will help to put the dress in order before the next season.
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
